For those visual learners, these videos are all critical to helping you thrive in your negotiation and provide a new perspective!
More of an Audio learner? Check out my Spotify Playlist full of helpful podcasts and pump up songs to get you in the negotiation mood!
If I learned ANYTHING from Columbia, it's that you always have to define what you are talking about. Negotiation is so layered and so complex it is very difficult to define, below are some academic attempts to nail it down.
Leigh Thompson Author of
The Mind and Heart of the Negotiator
“An interpersonal decision-making process that is necessary whenever we cannot achieve our objectives single-highhandedly.”
Based on the Book:
Negotiating Globally
"Negotiation is about claiming value: how much of a set of resources you are going to get and how much the other party gets. Successful value-claiming negotiation leads to a distributive outcome that divides a fixed set of resources such that your interests or the needs underlying your positions are met. But negotiation can also be about creating value: how you and the other party can increase the resources available to divide. Successful value-creating negotiation leads to an agreement that is both integrative and distributive, one that divides an enhanced set of resources."
Movie time!
Grab some popcorn and a glass of wine! These videos will help you understand more strategies, and provide a bigger negotiation perspective!
Getting what you Want!
Negotiation Guide from Margaret Neale
Margaret Neale is the Adams Distinguished Professor of Management at Stanford Graduate School of Business. She has a Ph.D. in Business Administration from the University of Texas. This video will give you a comprehensive overview of how to think about negotiation in a new, fearless way!
Body Language & How to use it for SUCCESS!
Amy Cuddy is an American social psychologist, author, and speaker. She has served as a faculty member at Rutgers University, Kellogg School of Management and Harvard Business School. This video will show you some tools to help use body language to increase your confidence!
Stressed? Watch this!
Kelly McGonigal is a health psychologist and lecturer at Stanford University who is known for her work in the field of 'science help' which focuses on translating insights from psychology and neuroscience into practical strategies that support health and well-being. Ladies, do not underestimate how stressful negotiations can be! Let's redefine what stress looks like!
Need help thinking of more BATNA's?
The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us!
Listen to Economist Danny Pink explain the hidden drivers behind our motivation, some of which will absolutely surprise you! Use this to get creative with your BATNA's.
The Negotiator's Library
Below are some of the best books, websites, & resources for learning more about negotiation ​
By Roger Fisher, William Ury, & Bruce Patton
Jason Jay & Gabriel Grant
By: Leigh Thompson
By: Gary Noesner
By: Chris Voss
Listen up!
Podcasts & Playlists
I've collected my favorite negotiation podcasts and put together some awesome playlists to get you ready for your negotiation or celebrate after you're done! Check it out here!
Brought to you from the blog at the Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. The blog examines past and current negotiations from many fields including business, government, education, and law. Read the blog daily and you will learn how to improve your skills at the negotiating table!
Download their free Skills PDF here
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