By: Ashira Prossack | A Multi-generational workplace expert and ForbesWomen Contributing Writer.
It’s exciting to get a job offer, but sometimes that excitement can lead to rushed decision making. You don’t want to accept an offer before taking the time to fully think things through. Respond promptly to the hiring manager acknowledging the offer, but don’t feel pressured to give them an answer immediate. You can ask for 48 to 72 hours to take your time to evaluate the offer, and ensure you’re truly making the right decision.
To help you make this decision, there are four questions you can ask yourself.
Can I see myself in this role and at this company for at least two years?

A job is a long-term commitment, so being able to picture yourself doing it for a bare minimum of one year is an absolute must. Think beyond just the role you’re accepting and envision a career path with the company. You want to be sure that you see a future for yourself at the company, rather than having to repeat the job search process in a year or two’s time.
Why am I accepting this offer?
There’s no right or wrong answer to this question – you have to do what’s right for you. Ask yourself this question to determine if accepting the offer truly is the right thing to do. Think about how the new job will help you move forward in your career or reach your goals. Think about any other benefits you’ll gain from accepting this offer.
There’s a lot of discussion around working for passion versus working for money, and which one of those things is the right thing to do. Passion may be the popular choice, but there’s no shame in being driven by money instead. If you want to take a job mainly for the financial benefits, that’s a valid choice. Remember, there’s no right or wrong here. You just need to be sure you’re clear on your reasoning and not making a snap decision.
Have I negotiated for salary and benefits?
No matter how perfect the job is or how excited you are to get an offer, you should always negotiate. Negotiation goes beyond salary, including benefits like flexibility, time off, transportation reimbursement, and work from home options.  Think about what’s most important, and negotiate for those things first. You never know what you can get unless you ask – and the worst thing that can happen is that they’ll say no.
What would happen if I turn down this offer?

Sometimes the best way to make a decision is to play devil’s advocate. Think about what would happen if you turned down the offer. Would you be stuck in your current role? Would you be apathetic, not really caring either way if you continue job searching or accepting this offer? What would the financial impact be? What are the pros and the cons? Going through this process helps you address any of those nagging issues that are at the back of your mind, and leads you to more confidently make a decision.
This article was originally posted on Forbes and was written by: Ashira Prossack